364, "Which animal is covered in 2.25 inch spines?|echidna|porcupine|hedgehog", "Which of these mammals has the shortest gestation period?|Virginia opossum|tiger|koala", "What is the longest recorded distance for a red kangaroo jump?|14 yards|20 yards|10 yards", "What is the highest recorded speed of a gray kangaroo?|40 miles per hour|50 miles per hour|60 miles per hour", "What is the highest recorded jump of a gray kangaroo?|2.7 yards|1.9 yards|4.2 yards", "Which of these animals does not use echolocation?|howler monkey|bottlenosed dolphin|vampire bat", "How old is the longest recorded living little brown bat?|32 years|67 years|49 years", "Which is the longest-lived monkey at 53 years?|capuchin monkey|owl monkey|spider monkey", "What is the greatest age recorded for a non-human primate?|59 years 5 months|43 years 7 months|73 years 1 month", "Which of these primates is the heaviest?|gorilla|orangutan|vervet monkey", "Which of these animals is the slowest?|three-toed sloth|Galapagos tortoise|giant anteater", "How much does the average brown hare weigh?|8 pounds|4 pounds|2 pounds", "Which of these mammals is the youngest breeder?|Norway lemming|black-tailed jackrabbit|wood mouse", "What is the longest recorded dive for a sperm whale?|1 hour, 52 minutes|2 hours, 52 minutes|52 mins", "Of all the toothed mammals, which is the largest?|sperm whale|African elephant|wild cat", "Which of these marine mammals is the fastest?|California sea lion|dugong|gray whale", "Which animal is the loudest (at 188 decibels)?|blue whale|Tasmanian devil|Indian elephant", "Which of these land carnivores is the largest?|brown bear|lion|tiger", "How heavy can a brown bear get?|1652 pounds|1952 pounds|2252 pounds", "Which of these land-dwelling carnivores is the heaviest?|polar bear|American black bear|Asiatic black bear", "Which of these feline carnivores is the largest?|tiger|lion|jaguar", "How fast can a cheetah go (in short bursts)?|70 miles per hour|80 miles per hour |90 miles per hour ", "How fast can the Californian sea lion swim?|25 miles per hour|35 miles per hour |45 miles per hour ", "Which of these seals is the largest?|southern elephant seal|harp seal|leopard seal", "What is the longest recorded pregnancy for an Indian elephant?|760 days|820 days|794 days", "Which of these land-dwelling mammals is the largest?|African elephant|Indian elephant|giraffe", "Which of these mammals is the tallest?|giraffe|Indian elephant|African elephant", "Which of these birds can be more than 9.8 feet tall?|ostrich|emu|emperor penguin", "Which of these birds has the largest wingspan?|wandering albatross|black vulture|golden eagle", "Which of these birds is the faster flyer?|peregrine falcon|Andean condor|American kestrel", "Which of these birds builds the largest nest?|mallee fowl|bearded reedling|sunbittern", "Which of these flying birds is the heaviest?|great bustard|crowned crane|coot", "Which of these birds is the slowest flyer, at just under 5 mph?|woodcock|dunlin|Eurasian dotterel", "What is the longest recorded flight of the Arctic tern?|13,888 miles|8,888 miles|18,888 miles", "Which is the smallest bird, measuring just 2.6 inches in total length?|bee hummingbird|swift|nightjar", "What is the shortest recorded incubation of a great spotted woodpecker?|10 days|20 days|15 days", "Which is the largest living turtle?|leatherback turtle|loggerhead turtle|Chinese softshell", "Just how old can a lizard get?|54 years|63 years|72 years", "Which of these lizards is the largest?|Komodo dragon|nile monitor|tegu", "What is the oldest recorded age for a boa constrictor?|40 years|37 years|44 years", "Which of these snakes is the heaviest?|anaconda|diamond python|king cobra", "Which snake is probably faster than you, reaching speeds of up to 11 mph?|black mamba|death adder|whip snake", "Which of these carnivorous fish is the largest?|great white shark|tarpon|great barracuda", "Just how long can a whale shark get?|59 feet|69 feet |79 feet ", "Which of these fish is the most ferocious and voracious?|red-bellied piranha|Siamese fighting fish|lionfish", "How fast can a sailfish travel (in short bursts)?|60 miles per hour|80 miles per hour|100 miles per hour", "How many eggs can an ocean sunfish produce?|300 million|600 million|900 million", "What object is roughly the same size as the tongue of a blue whale?|an automobile|a cow|a one-room apartment in London" "Which of these reptiles has a forked tongue?|nile monitor|green anole|stinkpot turtle", "Which statement about the Virginia Opossum is reasonable?|only marsupial in North America|more intelligent than chimpanzee|mild-mannered and shy", "Which shark is probably responsible for the majority of attacks on humans?|tiger shark|great white shark|hammerhead shark", "This fish can live up to four years underneath dried-up pools:|African lungfish|mudskipper|carp", "Which fish might indicate how life moved from the the seas to dry land?|mudskipper|jewelfish|large-toothed sawfish", "Which animal was thought to be extinct until 1938?|coelacanth|tuatara|kiwi", "Which snake is NOT in the family Viperidae?|coral snake|puff adder|desert horned viper", "Which lizard has been dubbed the 'Jesus Christ lizard' because of its ability to walk on water?|double-crested basilisk|rainbow lizard|frilled lizard", "Which reptile spends 95 percent of its life underground?|gila monster|copperhead|snapping turtle", "Which animal likes to hide amongst poisonous jellyfish tentacles?|man-o-war fish|guppy|European dragonet", "What does a piscivore eat?|fish|spores, molds, and fungi|offal," "Which animal has been known to dig up and eat buried corpses?|Komodo dragon|hairy armadillo|guineafowl", "Which is one of only two poisonous lizard species?|gila monster|thorny devil|slow worm", "Which animal's claws enlarge in the spring, then drop off in the fall?|collared lemming|fennec fox|gharial", "This animal had to be reintroduced to its native habitat:|Arabian oryx|dromedary camel|upside-down catfish", "Which animal uses venom to defend itself?|duck-billed platypus|indri|diamond python", "This animal's powerful jaws allow it to consume its prey...bones and all:|Tasmanian devil|lamprey|Amazon dolphin", "Contrary to its reputation, which animal can be very aggressive?|koala|muskox|blackbuck", "Which lizard does NOT have eyelids?|tokay gecko|green iguana|tegu", "How are the majority of fishes distinct from most other animals?|have fins|have flippers|have gills", "Which fish is jawless?|lamprey|freshwater eel|angelfish", "Which fish's skeleton is NOT made out of bone?|mako shark|cleaner wrasse|northern cavefish", "Which of these animals is NOT a scavenger?|aardvark|brahminy kite|spotted hyena", "Which of these birds lives in a burrow?|Atlantic puffin|oystercatcher|bee hummingbird", "Which of these animals can die of old age before growing up?|axolotl|cane toad|zebra moray eel", "Which of these animals can chew through solid concrete?|brown rat|razorbill|mink", "Which of these snakes eats rattlesnakes without getting poisoned?|king snake|egg-eating snake|anaconda", "Which of these reptiles is a vegetarian?|chuckwalla|grass snake|horned lizard", "Only one of these mammals' bodies is covered in scales:|pangolin|spiny anteater|hedgehog", "Which animal is also known as 'the glutton?'|wolverine|hippopotamus|rock hyrax", "Which one of these mammals has no vocal cords?|giraffe|chimpanzee|pygmy marmoset", "Which continent became isolated before placental mammals reached it?|Australia|Africa|South America," "Which of these animals is NOT an insectivore?|spotted cuscus|Cape golden mole|European hedgehog", "What is a group of bears called?|a sleuth|a gaggle|a moratorium", "What is a group of birds called?|a flock|a spot|a boone", "What is a group of crows called?|a murder|an argus|an ottoman", "What is a group of elephants called?|a herd|a range|a fright", "What is a group of elks called?|a herd|a club|a ball", "What is a group of finches called?|a charm|a poof|a freckle", "What is a group of fish called?|a school|a college|a roy", "What is a group of foxes called?|a skulk|a wonder|a clowder", "What is a group of geese called?|a gaggle|a horde|an exaltation", "What is a group of gorillas called?|a band|a fiddle|sirs", "What is a group of hogs called?|a herd|a harley|a shower", "What is a group of horses called?|a herd|a production|a rush", "What is a group of kangaroos called?|a mob|a sedge|an insult", "What is a group of larks called?|an exaltation|a clutch|a round", "What is a group of lions called?|a pride|a torment|a cuff", "What is a group of partridges called?|a covey|a jubilee|a patootie", "What is a group of quail called?|a covey|a convent|a bob", "What is a group of sheep called?|a flock|a loom|a shawl", "What is a group of sparrows called?|a flock|a land|a scavenge", "What is a group of vipers called?|a nest|a find|an opera", "What is a group of whales called?|a pod|an ambergris|a seminary", "What is a group of wolves called?|a pack|a knot|a revival", "What is the term for a male ass?|a jack|a jonathan|a tom", "What is the term for a male bear?|a boar|a bother|a jack", "What is the term for a male cat?|a tom|a dick|a harry", "What is the term for a male deer?|a buck|a boar|a rack", "What is the term for a male duck?|a drake|a gander|a cygnet", "What is the term for a male elephant?|a bull|a jim|a cob", "What is the term for a male fox?|a dog|a buck|a tom", "What is the term for a male goose?|a gander|a domber|a hero", "What is the term for a male horse?|a stallion|a buck|a foal", "What is the term for a male rabbit?|a buck|a hopper|a bull", "What is the term for a male sheep?|a ram|a goat|a steward", "What is the term for a male swan?|a cob|a fluke|a brison", "What is the term for a male whale?|a bull|a codger|a jack", "What is the term for a male wolf?|a dog|a roan|a coat", "What is the term for a female ass?|a jenny|a juniper|a mare", "What is the term for a female bear?|a sow|a cow|a bitch", "What is the term for a female deer?|a doe|a re|a me", "What is the term for a female elephant?|a cow|a dowager|a matron", "What is the term for a female fox?|a vixen|a siren|a bitch", "What is the term for a female horse?|a mare|a jenny|a pen", "What is the term for a female lion?|a lioness|a lionetta|a queen", "What is the term for a female rabbit?|a doe|a dowager|a mistress", "What is the term for a female sheep?|a ewe|a vous|an usted", "What is the term for a female swan?|a pen|a cyrine|a spinette", "What is the term for a female whale?|a cow|madam|a mare", "What is the term for a female wolf?|a bitch|a wolverine|a vixen", "What is the term for a young ass?|a foal|a calf|a tinette", "What is the term for a young bear?|a cub|a bearlet|a pup", "What is the term for a young cat?|a kitten|a floober|a klein", "What is the term for a young deer?|a fawn|a deerlet|a skip", "What is the term for a young elephant?|a calf|a heffalump|a tyro", "What is the term for a young fox?|a cub|a kid|a pup", "What is the term for a young goose?|a gosling|a cygnet|a colling", "What is the term for a young horse?|a foal|a cowl|a chip", "What is the term for a young rabbit?|a kitten|a bearlet|a pup", "What is the term for a young sheep?|a lamb|a calf|a kid", "What is the term for a young swan?|a cygnet|a pen|a gosling", "What is the term for a young tiger?|a cub|a tigger|a kitten", "What is the term for a young whale?|a calf|a crumpet|a fry", "What is the term for a young wolf?|a pup|a kit|a tinette", "When did the last great ice age begin?|1 million years ago|10 million years ago|15 million years ago", "What is the name of the land bridge that connected North American and Asia?|Bering|Aleutian|Iberian", "Where are the warmest ocean currents?|tropical latitudes|northern latitudes|southern latitudes", "Why do some birds rely on global wind currents?|migration assistance|finding food|avoiding predators", "What taxonomic class includes lizards, turtles, and alligators?|Reptilia|Amphibia|Aves", "Which animal is NOT an amphibian?|caiman|tiger salamander|hairy frog", "What is a common characteristic of amphibians?|moist skin|suckling their young|warm blooded", "What is a common characteristic of amphibians?|tadpole stage|produce milk|scales", "What is a common characteristic of mammals?|fur|cold blood|feathers", "What describes lampreys?|parasitic|mandibles|many limbs", "Where do gharials live?|deep rivers|ocean|coral reefs", "When do Atlantic cod spawn?|spring|summer|fall", "Why do Atlantic flying fish fly?|avoid predators|amuse tourists|feed", "What is a spiny seahorse?|fish|mammal|bird", "Which animal does NOT migrate?|lionfish|blue fin tuna|gray whale", "Which animal migrates?|blue fin tuna|Queensland grouper|forceps butterflyfish", "Which animal is uniquely native to the African continent?|aardvark|European chameleon|alligator", "Which of these is a bird?|banded pitta|banded gecko|banded krait" "Which fish is poisonous to eat?|clown triggerfish|clown anemonefish|clown loach", "A 'cock of the rock' is a...|bird|reptile|amphibian", "Who is heaviest?|southern elephant seal|elephant shrew|elephant-nosed mormyrid", "The fish eagle is native to...|Africa|North America|Antarctica", "The fish eagle feeds mainly on...|fish|worms|small children", "Which animal is actually a fish?|flying gurnard|flying lemur|flying squirrel", "The 'john dory' is a...|fish|bird|boat", "The Komodo dragon is NOT found on the island of...|Timor|Komodo|Flores", "The wobbegong is...|a bottom dwelling shark|a percussion instrument|a bird of paradise", "The United States is the native land of the...|wild turkey|wild horse|wild cat", "Which of these animals cannot fly?|water buck|wheatear|vampire bat", "The thorny devil is...|a little lizard|sacriligeous|a deadly mollusk", "Which of the following is NOT a form of precipitation?|wind|snow|rain", "Precipitation directly provides animals and plants with what essential requirement of life?|water|heat|nutrients", "Which reptile 'drinks' dew through fine skin channels that lead to its mouth?|thorny devil|wart snake|green iguana", "What is the driest place on Earth, contrary to popular belief?|Antarctica|Sahara desert|Australian outback", "The coastal deserts of Chile and Peru receive most precipitation in the form of... |fog|rain|snow", "You would be least likely to find a reptile or an amphibian in which biome?|polar and tundra|Mediterranean|desert", "The chamois is most commonly found in which biome?|mountain|rainforest|ocean", "The lynx is most commonly found in which biome?|coniferous forest|desert|polar and tundra", "Which flower is a favorite food of the moose?|water lily|orange blossom|sunflower", "In what biome is the great spotted woodpecker most commonly found?|temperate forest|rainforest|polar and tundra", "Why are there so few trees on temperate grasslands?|fires & grazing|locusts|commercial logging", "In what biome is the prairie chicken most commonly found?|temperate grassland|ocean|savanna", "The 'pampas of South America' fall into which category of biome?|temperate grassland|mountain|rainforest", "Which biome boasts the greatest diversity of plants and animals?|rainforest|temperate forest|desert", "In which country are you most likely to find the rainforest biome?|Indonesia|Mali|South Africa", "How far away can a howler monkey be heard?|2 miles|.25 miles|6 miles", "What is the highest level of the rainforest called?|'canopy'|'canton'|'carpet'", "In which biome is the keel-billed toucan most commonly found?|rainforest|savanna|Mediterranean", "Which biome boasts the largest herds of grazing animals?|savanna|rainforest|freshwater", "The Serengeti in Africa falls into which category of biome?|savanna|Mediterranean|desert", "In which biome are you most likely to spot a zebra or a wildebeest?|savanna|coral reef|desert", "Which biome is dominated by evergreen shrubs?|Mediterranean|rainforest|coral reef", "Which is the rarest biome?|Mediterranean|coastal waters|mountain", "What is a Gould's monitor?|lizard|fancy computer display|primate", "In which biome are you most likely to find a diamond-back rattlesnake?|desert|freshwater|rainforest", "Which biome covers roughly 70 percent of the Earth's surface?|ocean|desert|temperate forest", "Where is plant life most likely to flourish in the ocean?|near the surface|on the bottom|at all depths", "What is often the first link in the marine food chain?|phytoplankton|amoebae|guppies", "What is the most common meal of the humpback whale?|krill|tiger shark|mackerel", "Which is the world's biggest ocean?|Pacific|Atlantic|Indian", "Where are coral reefs most commonly found?|shallow & warm waters|shallow & cold waters|deep & warm waters", "From what are coral reefs primarily built?|animals|rocks|metal ore", "What are the three different types of reefs?|fringing, barrier & atoll|coastal, ocean & freshwater|Larry, Moe & Curly", "Where are parrotfish most commonly found?|coral reefs|freshwater|ocean", "The biggest concentration of coral reefs in the world lies offshore of which continent?|Australia|South America|Africa", "In which direction do salmon swim to spawn?|upstream|downstream|in circles", "In or near what biome are muskrats most commonly found?|freshwater|rainforest|savanna", "What do the sea otter and duck-billed platypus have in common?|webbed feet|multiple fins|big teeth", "A large electric catfish can stun a grown man with this many volts of electricity:|400|100|250", "The upside down catfish earns its name from the peculiar habit of swimming...|on its back|tail forward|only at night", "In what biome do the Andean condor, lammergeir, and gyrfalcon live?|mountain|polar and tundra|Mediterranean", "What is the Egyptian rousette?|a bat|a squirrel|an insect", "Why does the aye aye tap the bark of rainforest trees?|to find grubs|to sharpen its claws|to communicate", "Howler monkeys use their loud voices to...|scare trespassers|attract mates|intimidate prey", "How does a male woolly monkey claim his territory?|body language|smell|sound", "What tool does a chimpanzee use to probe for termites?|a blade of grass|a tree branch|a leaf", "Wolves fight to determine who will...|lead the pack|hunt|care for the pups", "Polar bears are camouflaged by their...|thick white coats|sharp claws|body fat", "When lions hunt in groups, it is an example of...|cooperation|conflict|competition", "An aardvark eats...|termites|spiders|slugs", "Indian elephants live in groups led by...|a dominant female|a dominant male|the largest elephant", "What do Indian elephants do to keep flies away?|spray dirt over their backs|swish their tails constantly|bathe frequently", "The wild boar is the ancestor of the..|pig|sheep|brazilian tapir", "A hippo is threatening you when it...|opens its mouth widely|snorts repeatedly|wiggles its ears", "Camels' humps store...|fat for energy|water|a second brain", "The vicuna has been hunted almost to extinction by humans who want its...|coat|horns|hooves", "When the muntjac is alarmed by an enemy, it makes a noise similar to the...|barking of a dog|laugh of a hyena|growl of a bear", "By fighting for the right to mate, red deer ensure...|only the strongest will mate|few fawns will be born|cooperation in the group", "Reindeer have been domesticated by the...|Lapps of Norway|Hmong of Southeast Asia|Dogon of Mali", "When female giraffes share day-care duties, it is an example of...|cooperation|camouflage|locomotion", "Yak can survive the thin air of the Himalaya mountains because they...|have large hearts and lungs|have four lungs|have small brains", "What strategy do wildebeest use to cross crocodile-infested rivers?|safety in numbers|bait and run|camouflage", "How does a male Thomson's gazelle mark its territory?|urine and dung|body language|loud noises", "How fast can a Thomson's gazelle run?|40 miles per hour|70 miles per hour|50 miles per hour", "98 percent of the animals that the African crown eagle eats are...|small antelopes|lizards|other birds", "An osprey almost exclusively eats...|fish|small reptiles|small rodents", "Which is NOT eaten by the bobwhite quail?|salamanders|seeds|insects", "Peacocks are native to...|India|Mongolia|Peru", "How does the tawny frogmouth catch insects?|open beak mimics a flower|uses its long tongue|swims under them", "The male umbrella bird attracts females using all of the following EXCEPT its...|pungent scent|plumage display|haunting call", "How does a snapping turtle attract its prey?|uses its tongue as a lure|chemical lures|ventriloquism", "During the day, a desert chameleon's skin turns white to...|reflect the sun's rays|help store heat|provide camouflage", "Why does the banded gecko sometimes run with its body arched high over its legs?|to keep its belly off hot sand|to attract a mate|to scare off competitors", "Where does the gila monster store fat?|its tail|its hump|its feet", "Which animal sometimes hibernates in a communal den?|garter snake|tiger cat|pelagic sea snake", "Rattlesnakes warn others of their presence by...|rattling their tails|howling and showing their fangs|slithering in a rapid circle", "The name 'mako shark' comes from a New Zealand people called...|the Maori|the Ashanti|the Fulani", "What does the wobbegong rely on to protect itself from its predators?|camouflage|speed|teeth", "Tiger sharks are...|omnivores|herbivores|carnivores", "Some sharks find animals buried in the sand by detecting...|electro-magnetic fields|small sounds|lumps in the sand", "Electric rays use their electricity to...|stun prey|swim|glow in the dark", "How does the northern cavefish hunt in dark underground lakes?|motion detection|keen smell|sharp eyesight", "How does the mudskipper fish breathe on land?|through its skin|with its oxygen bladder|through its nostrils", "An aardvark's existence is primarily...|solitary|spiritual|very social", "A wobbegong is a type of...|shark|waterfowl|mouse", "Sharks have a powerful sense of...|smell|taste|style", "When an animal is well adapted to its environment, it is more likely to...|survive and reproduce|mutate|become quickly extinct", "To navigate dark, tangled rivers, Amazon dolphin have...|flexible necks|sharp eyesight|dark, camouflaging skin", "Animals who can survive the harshest environments generally...|have less direct competition|have the longest lifespans|have developed few adaptations", "The coldest place on earth is...|the South Pole|Iceland|New Jersey", "How many pounds of food does an elephant eat each day?|400|200|50", "A scavenger is an animal that...|does not catch its own food|has camouflage|hunts for food", "Because birds and mammals have fewer babies than fish or reptiles, they...|put more effort into raising them|spend less on daycare|may become extinct", "How do marsupial mothers generally carry their babies before they are fully developed?|in pouches|on their backs|in their mouths", "Why does each orca pod sing songs in its own dialect?|identify kinship|mark territory|attract prey", "Competition for limited resources causes confrontation...|within and between species|within a species only|between species only", "How do Honduran milk snakes compete for mates?|wrestling|finding food|hissing contests", "Camouflage is used for all these purposes EXCEPT...|attracting mates|hiding from predators|trapping food", "The mountain or alpine biome is...|above the treeline|never found at the Equator|totally dry", "What climate is similar to that of very high mountains?|polar and tundra|coniferous forest|temperate forest", "Plants in the mountain biome grow...|small and close to the ground|thin, but tall|extremely quickly", "What do most mountain animals eat?|plants|amphibians|small mammals", "The largest native coniferous forests on Earth are NOT found in...|New Zealand|the Americas|northern Eurasia", "How low can temperatures drop during winter in coniferous forests?|minus 40 degrees Celsius|10 degrees Celsius|20 degrees Celsius", "Which of the following does NOT describe the leaves of coniferous trees?|attractive to herbivores|long, thin needles|waxy", "Why are the needles of coniferous trees waxy?|to preserve water|to stay warm|to reflect sunlight", "What do you call the process that plants use to turn sunlight into energy?|photosynthesis|communalism|herbivory", "Which tree in the mountain biome sheds its leaves?|larch|pine|birch", "Which part of the conifer tree is eaten by many animals of the coniferous forest biome?|seeds|roots|branches", "To get enough food, carnivores in the coniferous forest biome generally...|travel far|eat plants|eat each other ", "How does the lynx preserve energy when it hunts?|only pursues large prey|hunts at noon|scavenges", "The wolverine and the lynx both hunt deer. What advantage does the wolverine have?|can run over thin ice|good camouflage|sharp sense of smell", "What usually attracts birds to the coniferous forest biome in the spring?|lots of insects|cool temperatures|new flowers", "Where are temperate forests mainly found?|Northern Hemisphere|Southern Hemisphere|at the Equator", "Which of the following does NOT describe the edible dormouse's hibernation process?|metabolism speeds up|muscles set rigidly|body temperature drops", "How do many animals in the temperate forest biome survive the winter?|thick layers of fat|hibernate in groups|eat snow", "Temperate grasslands occur where the climate has...|seasonal temperature variations|long tropical summers|short, mild winters", "What follows cold winters in temperate grasslands?|hot, dry summers|mild, wet summers|mild, dry summers", "What keeps temperate grasslands free of trees?|grazing and summer fires|elephants|too much rain", "Which area contains one of the largest expanses of grassland in the world?|prairies of North America|Amazon basin |Himalayan mountains", "Where are the majority of tropical rainforests found?|the Equator|the Tropic of Cancer|the Tropic of Capricorn", "Which biome gets the most rain?|rainforest|Mediterranean|polar and tundra", "When are most tropical rainforests hot and wet?|all year round|50 percent of the year|75 percent of the year", "How tall can some rainforest trees grow?|44 yards|54 yards|64 yards", "What is an epiphyte?|a plant supported by other plants|a rainforest insect|a group of sloths", "What biome supports the most animal species?|rainforest|polar and tundra|coral reef", "Rainforests are...|noisy|relatively quiet|silent during daylight hours", "What does a folivore eat?|leaves|other animals|mollusks", "How do some animals move from tree to tree in the rainforest canopy?|glide|swing from vines|molecular transport", "Which river floods its rainforest in the rainy season?|Amazon|Ohio|Seine", "Savannas are...|hot, tropical grasslands|mild, deciduous forests|mild, temperate grasslands", "Where are the largest savannas found?|Africa|South America|Australia", "Which biome contains the Serengeti?|savanna|rainforest|coniferous forest", "Which biome do savannas often fringe?|deserts|coral reef|polar and tundra", "What can happen during the savanna dry season?|fires sweep the plains|animals graze easily|grass grows thick and high", "Many savanna grasses and trees...|use fires to reproduce|can withstand prolonged freezing temperatures|are not affected by the sun", "How does the ostrich get around?|running|flying|gliding", "What are the tall, non-human made mud structures found in the savanna?|termite or ant nests|bird nests|gopher holes", "What are the characteristics of the Mediterranean biome?|summer drought and cool wet winters|mild summers and harsh winters|wet summers and mild winters", "How could you describe most of the shrubs in the Mediterranean biome?|evergreen|very broad leaves|deciduous", "What is one reason why most Mediterranean shrubs do not grow tall?|limits water loss|not enough sunlight|too much water", "Which biome does not have regular fires during the summer?|desert|mediterranean|savanna", "Which biome has the most unpredictable rainfall?|desert|temperate forest|mountain", "Which environment is the most difficult for animals to inhabit?|desert|rainforest|savanna", "What usually triggers a burst of feeding and reproduction in the desert?|rain|solar eclipse|sunrise", "Which feature helps a cactus preserve moisture?|thick round bodies|deep roots|broad leaves", "When do animals aestivate?|summer|winter|fall", "How can dromedary camels survive such high levels of dehydration?|lose water from fat instead of blood|hump stores water|specialized pancreas", "How do some desert animals preserve moisture?|special noses|special eyes|drink a lot", "How do some desert snakes avoid the heat of the sand?|sidewinding|reflective skin|hopping", "Where would you be most likely to find an animal with a countercurrent heat exchanger?|desert|rainforest|coral reef", "What best describes the freshwater biome?|rivers and lakes|most common aquatic biome|salty water", "When mountain streams run very quickly, what do they usually contain?|just a few plants|many insects|no predators", "Why are mountain streams nutrient poor close to their sources?|particles swept away|cold water|too many plants", "The rapid flow of mountain streams makes it difficult for animals to...|find food|get oxygen|hide", "How many eggs can female salmon lay?|10,000|20,000|30,000", "What can occur when a river slows down?|more plants|fewer fish |fewer insects", "What do some small freshwater wading birds use as a feeding platform?|water lilies|frogs|grass", "Compared to rivers, lakes usually have...|less oxygen|more oxygen|the same oxygen", "Where is the coastal biome found?|bordering all continents and islands|only at the North Pole|only in the Southern Hemisphere", "What happens at the edge of a continental shelf?|seafloor drops dramatically|seafloor drops gradually|salt and fresh water mix", "Why do birds like northern gannets prefer nesting on cliffs?|safety from predators|abundance of insects|easy takeoff", "What is the most common plant on rocky shores?|seaweeds|grass|plankton", "Why are plants rare on sand beaches?|shifting sand|poor drainage|not enough sunlight", "Where do female leatherback turtles go to lay their eggs?|the beach|the sea floor|a coral reef", "When are coastal mudflats exposed?|at low tide|during the winter|during each month's full moon", "This specialized coastal biome tree can survive in soft mud and salt water:|mangrove|maple|madrone", "Continental shelf waters usually extend about how many miles from the coast?|45 miles|10 miles|85 miles", "What is one reason for the abundance of animal life in coastal waters?|abundant light|fewer predators|lower housing costs", "How wide can the 'wingspan' of the Atlantic Manta be?|8 yards|12 yards|16 yards", "The world's largest biome is...|open ocean|desert|polar and tundra", "The deepest sea trenches can reach depths of over...|32,000 feet|42,000 feet|52,000 feet", "Microscopic animals that feed on phytoplankton (microscopic plants) are called...|zooplankton|sharksuckers|mackerel", "The largest living animals on the planet--baleen whales--eat...|tiny shrimp called krill|seaweed|baleen", "Baleen whales have evolved a special kind of teeth, which...|act like sieves to gather food|crush the bones of large prey|are incredibly sharp", "What is the name for the filter-feeding adaption of some whales?|baleen|spermaceti|ambergris", "Coral reefs are found in...|shallow, warm waters|the deepest open oceans|arctic waters", "Why is the coral reef biome home to such a tremendous variety of animals?|breaking waves increase oxygen |water is less salty|cheap rent", "Coral reefs are NOT made of...|sand|limestone|calcium carbonate", "Where would you find a 'fringing' coral reef?|near rocky shorelines|around a sunken volcano|off the Greenland coast", "Where would you find an 'atoll' coral reef?|around a sunken volcano|off the Greenland coast|near rocky shorelines", "How does the lionfish protect itself against predators?|poisonous spikes|drab, camouflaging fins|cooperation with other fish", "Mammals are NOT found...|at the South Pole|in the tundra|in the ocean", "Mammals typically...|have body hair|lay eggs|are cold-blooded", "Amphibians are found in all continents except...|Antarctica|Australia|South America", "All amphibians...|are cold-blooded|are hairy|live in hives", "Most amphibians are...|carnivores|herbivores|omnivores", "What class of vertebrates contains the most number of species?|osteichthyes (bony fish)|aves (birds)|reptilia (reptiles)", "Daily variations in temperature are most extreme in which biome?|desert|savanna|coniferous forest", "A desert chameleon's skin changes to what color to absorb heat?|black|white|tan", "Which bird lays a single egg equal to one-third of its total body weight?|kiwi|little egret|speckled mousebird", "Which bird lays only two eggs, each a different color?|wedge-tailed eagle|gray catbird|double-toothed barbet" 93, "Which fish has a transparent body?|709|767|742", "The ancient Egyptians celebrated the electric properties of this animal in their art:|710|699|671", "This fish reverses the usual camouflage against prey by having a pale back and dark belly...|711|756|762", "Which fish uses its round sucking mouth and broad lips to anchor itself amidst water currents?|714|768|730", "During mating, the male of this species becomes permanently fused to and dependent upon the female:|720|680|693", "This fish is remarkable because it can see both underwater and above water at the same time!|726|761|693", "These fish are born with special sex organs which are either left-handed or right-handed:|726|701|762", "Which is India's most famous freshwater fish?|703|691|698", "Which animal is NOT an herbivore found in the savanna biome?|153|268|255", "Which animal digs nesting burrows in freshwater river banks?|28|12|184", "Which rainforest animal does NOT use sound to attract a mate?|56|561|374", "Which animal does NOT eat the fruit of the rainforest canopy?|71|64|169", "Which animal is NOT on the great white shark's preferred menu?|49|210|214", "Which animal survives the winter in the mountains by staying under the snow and feeding on stored grass?|82|283|239", "Which mountain animal does NOT move to lower altitudes for the winter?|82|278|280", "Which animal is not a marsupial?|94|17|15", "Which animal copes with desert heat by flaring out its tail and holding it up over its back, thus creating a constant sun umbrella?|94|106|103", "Which temperate forest animal sleeps through most of the winter?|100|42|90", "Which desert animal uses cacti as a vital source of water?|103|426|196", "Which animal builds sturdy lodges in the water with logs and mud?|104|115|80", "Which of these animals does NOT store conifer seeds for the winter?|128|91|538", "Which animal scavenges left-overs from polar bears when food is scarce?|154|212|411", "Eland herds do NOT live alongside...|255|226|264", "Which animal catches salmon swimming upstream to spawn?|162|128|477", "Which animal's ambush technique allows it to hunt the American porcupine?|170|175|634", "Which of these temperate forest biome animals does NOT hibernate over the winter?|172|25|21", "Which animal has webbed feet and a flattened tail?|104|115|28", "Which animal does NOT eat the young plants, fruit, and roots found on the rainforest floor?|187|229|234", "Which rainforest animal finds food by raiding birds' nests?|187|189|646", "Which of the following animals is an enemy of the Asiatic wild ass?|151|193|152", "Which animal mother moves her offspring every 2 to 3 days to avoid predators?|201|151|162", "Which animal is the world's fastest land mammal?|209|274|16", "Which of these animals is the only living representative of the order Tubulidentata?|217|16|699", "Which animal eats more than any other land animal?|219|165|235", "Which animal grows 6 sets of teeth in a lifetime?|219|249|246", "Which of the following animals is the most aggressive?|230|229|231", "Which animal is hunted excessively for its horn, which is used for medicinal purposes?|231|161|54", "Which savanna animal uses thick skin and horns to protect itself from predators?|231|269|274", "Which of these animals is NOT known for its long tongue?|244|249|250", "Which animal does not use its ears to stay cool?|254|156|87", "Which mammal lives at the highest elevations in the world?|258|278|247", "Which desert animal travels long distances to find new grass?|265|612|426", "Which savanna animal does not eat insects?|273|217|81", "Which savanna animal has long legs and a light body to outrun its predators? |275|226|269", "The snow leopard hunts for prey as large as the...|278|86|258", "Which animal survives winter in Antarctica?|297|164|213", "Which of these birds does NOT use its beak to probe the sand of coast mudflats for food?|326|406|397", "Which lake-dwelling bird feeds on weeds and small invertebrates?|332|385|329", "Saltmarshes provide a winter feeding ground for waterfowl like the:|334|352|459", "Which bird has a neck more complex than a giraffe's?|341|448|398", "Which bird of prey is NOT found in the coniferous forest biome during the summer?|347|356|435", "Which savanna animal catches snakes by stomping on them with its feet?|349|293|291", "Which bird soars over great distances on air currents?|351|330|341", "Which bird of prey is NOT found in the temperate forest biome during summer?|358|355|427", "Which animal hunts small animals fleeing savanna fires?|364|151|16", "Which bird flies above the rainforest trees to hunt for prey?|366|453|455", "Which of the following birds is NOT attracted to the coniferous forest biome in the summer?|376|509|476", "Which animal eats the mat of dense vegetation found in the temperate grassland biome?|376|619|27", "Which animal preys on newly hatched marine turtles?|408|210|435", "Which desert animal nests in cacti thorns to avoid predators?|426|518|99", "Which is the only bird that can fly backwards?|442|443|523", "Which animal preys on the insects that live on the rainforest floor?|465|623|189", "Which bird dives into mountain streams to eat larvae?|477|448|491", "Which temperate forest bird lives off layers of fat during the winter?|478|412|520", "Which animal does NOT catch insects as it flies?|503|470|471", "Which finch has a crossed beak suited to cracking open pine cones?|512|538|518", "Which desert animal can drink salty water?|518|123|639", "Which animal eats up to 7,000 ticks a day?|522|452|607", "Which of these animals does NOT make sounds at night to attract a mate?|525|501|567", "Which animal is best able to survive cold conditions?|545|640|630", "Which animal lives in dark underground lakes?|548|676|698", "Which animal retains gills when fully mature?|549|566|628", "Which animal hides among the piles of dead materials at the bottom of lakes?|550|673|597", "Which desert animal sleeps underground until the rains come?|568|196|126", "Which animal hides on the rainforest floor and attacks small animals that pass by?|565|636|202", "Which savanna animal burrows underground to escape dry season fires?|572|373|267", "Which animal survives the Mediterranean winter by entering a sleepy state?|588|364|625", "Which rainforest animal eats insects and other invertebrates?|606|186|455", "Which deadly animal do the colors of the milk snake mimic?|634|624|633", "Which animal does NOT ambush prey from the branches of rainforest trees?|636|202|203", "Because this animal prefers to hunt seals, it is often found in coastal waters:|655|672|140", "Which of the following animals is NOT a 'filter feeder'?|668|672|659", "This animal's spines are somtimes used to tip spears and daggers:|670|127|730", "Which is the oldest living vertebrate?|674|70|556", "These are the only fish with functional taste organs in their mouths.|676|711|692", "Which fish can move over land from one pool to another?|676|732|767", "Which animal dwells in the cracks and crevices of the sandy coast sea bottom?|684|704|139", "Which fish has fins set far back on its body so it can gain sudden bursts of speed when hunting?|694|768|755", "Which animal lives in pools left by the flooded Amazon river?|696|689|137", "Which freshwater fish roots through the mud for food?|700|694|692", "This fish 'hitch-hikes' to better feeding grounds by attaching itself to large predators:|738|758|746", "Which predator is not found in fast running mountain streams?|747|692|737", "Which small fish lives in the rock pools at low tide in the coastal biome?|750|692|696"